Mandala Madness Continues...

Mornin' all...

I have to make this a quick hello... I have to be in the car off to work in 1 hour... sitting here with wet hair and gazing at my new Bombay Inks & Hydrus Watercolours calling my name and demanding attention... mmm... can't be good as I'm very easily distracted... to play or to get ready for work... such a shame work is a necessary evil... its even more evil when work surrounds me with all the 'yummy' paints & inks & I can't 'play'... I can only look... oh, the joys of working in an art shop!!!

so... enough rambling... here is the next of the Mandala installments... painted on a 20" stretched canvas using Global High Flow Acrylics...

...there are more to come...

Till next time,

Luv Deb x
