The Girls Craft Day...

Hi fellow crafties..

Well, the weather has definitely cooled down.. now that we have just installed a new air conditioner its too cool to use it... always the way!!!
Well I finally got my act together to help mum design her bit for the girls craft day at Aldinga Beach...
The hubbies are attending a IWCS get together (International Wood Collectors Society for those who are thinking 'what's an IWCS???'). While the men are doing their secret mens business in the tool shed chopping wood and discussing woodie things.. (that didn't sound too good... ) the 'Women Folk' all have to present something crafty to each other... learn some new things and generally catch up on all the gossip... Great way to spend the day!!! I know which group I'd rather hang with...

For those that are going here is a preview of what you will be making...
Now.. what colour to choose... mmmm... lets see...

I will try and get some photos to share of all the craftie things make on the weekend away...
Hope you all behave and enjoy making the Hydrangea Card... stay tuned for the grunged and inked version of this card. I stuck to the basics for this card as not to cause the ladies too much grief..
have fun,
Luv Deb x
