Hi Fellow Crafties..
Well, its been a while since my last blog... between work and play, there has simply been no free time.. my paper addiction has had to take a back seat for a while to make way for a few soapy creations. I am testing a few melt and pour bases for quick and easy soaps to put into pamper packs ready for the 'silly season' (stay tuned... coming soon!)
The latest ones I have tried are Honey (the transparent one) and Mango Butter.. Yummmmm!!!!!
I fragranced the Mango with Sweetpea & Vanilla... can't wait to try that one. The Honey soap was fragranced with Twilight Woods Fragrance... a nice unisex fragrance. Love this one!!
These look a bit ordinary... just testing still at this stage, finding the yummiest bases out there! I'm looking at using log moulds and making swirls etc... nice...
Well, I have a bit more to share so I had betta get a move on...
Luv Deb x
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